The inertia of beginning creating a full show can be overpowering. There are so many decisions that need to get made that it can be confusing to figure out where to start. The good (and bad) news is that there is no wrong (and therefore right) place to begin.

Nonetheless, we need to find a starting point. A guiding star that can help focus future decisions. I’ll go much deeper into process and prompts as the series goes on, but – at its core – the driving force of your show has to come from you.

What is it that you need to share with others? What is it that you know to be true? What is your take on this crazy world of ours that your audience may not have thought of?

And, perhaps most importantly, why? Why does this show need to exist? And why now?

There are easy answers (I want to share my magic with blah blah blah…), and there are more difficult answers that speak to who you are as a person and what you believe. If you take the time to work towards one of those, it will make the rest of the process flow more smoothly.

So now I’m off to figure out what my recurring parlor show is. Why it’s important to me and what I can bring to that experience that’s not already out there.