Where Magicians Improve Their Craft

Month: March 2022

ShowCraft In Action: Part 10b


Performer puts the QH on display and addresses the audience. As he talk to them, the lights come up and he takes back the flashlights he handed out earlier.

“Thank you all for being here. My name is Evan and I’m a magician. Which is an incredibly strange way to introduce yourself to other people. But I’m not talking about the ‘magician’ part of that sentence. I came to terms with that a long time ago and now I like watching peoples’ brains hiccup while they try to comprehend what it means.”

“No, what I’m talking about is that we introduce ourselves with our jobs. We ask for a name – which we promptly forget – and follow up with this nameless person by saying: ‘And what do you do?'”

“I think the job someone happens to be doing at a given point is a wildly unreliable indicator of who they are and what they’re like. Don’t get me wrong, some people are a perfect match for their job. Case in point [gesture to self].”

“But people end up in jobs for all sorts of reasons. So I think a more interesting question to get to know someone is what they would do if they could do anything except the thing they’re doing now.”

[RING WATCH WALLET (next script: 10c) feels like it actually belongs here. Continue the discussion about how we equate how people spend their time, what they do for money, with their identity; as though it indicates anything about WHO they are. Maybe perform with money, watch, and either an ID/license or the ring could work as a representative stand-in]

“I believe in leading by example, so I’ll go first. I’ve only ever imagined having three jobs. For most of my childhood, I was sure I would be a librarian. I lived in the library down the street from my house and the idea of hanging out in a building filled with nothing but ideas and stories was – and is – very appealing.”

“And obviously, one of the other jobs that called to me is being a magician. I get to tell stories, and show people things they would never see otherwise.”

“But for a brief period of time, or more accurately, for intermittent splashes of time, I’ve considered a third job. It was most pronounced in the spring of 2010. I was studying in Spain, and a group of us had been stranded in Amsterdam by an erupting Icelandic volcano. We were slowly making our way back to Madrid but we got held up in Paris for a few days. So, naturally, we check out the Louvre.”

“Keep in mind, we were not the only ones who were stranded. Everyone who was travelling through Europe had their flights grounded; so the tourists who were in Paris had already done the things they were going to do. Which meant when the group of us walked into the museum to check it out, it was empty. I walked for rooms at a time only seeing one or two people – if anyone.”

“I was able to walk straight up to the Mona Lisa, look at the Venus de Milo completely alone, and absorb everything the Louvre had to offer. And throughout most of that leisurely stroll through the world’s most treasured antiquities, this little voice in my head kept chiming in, saying: ‘You could totally steal that right now.’ ” [Note: probably need to rephrase this line. There’s a delicate balance between crafting a funny line and respect for the subject matter. Maybe phrase it more in terms of curiosity: “I wonder if…”].

“The only other full time job I’ve ever considered: international art thief. If you think about it, I’m professionally qualified for very few things in this world of ours. But the set of skills I’ve developed over the years is shockingly, unsettlingly close to that of a thief.”

“So every now and then, when I’m strolling through a museum, I’ll play a fun little game of ‘How-Would-I-Steal-That.’ I consider it professional development. And when I hear about museum heists, I’m fascinated by why the thieves make the choices they do, and how they end up getting caught.”

[There’s definitely a joke about asking if there are any law enforcement in the room somewhere in all this!]

“And when I hear about a theft gone wrong, that same, cocky voice pops back in and says ‘You could do it better.’ “

“I figure that the average person has something like five or six career changes in their life, so maybe I should explore this one now in case the magic thing ever dries up. I’m convinced that a magician could pull of the perfect heist, and I thought I’d show you what that would look like here tonight.”

“But first…” [segue into Out Of This World: Script 10d]

ShowCraft In Action: Part 10a

Welcome to the first step in a marathon slog through fraught terrain. It’s the entertainer’s version of the Barkley Marathons (look it up if you’re unfamiliar… it’s zany and outrageous and wonderful).


I waffled a bit about how to include the scripting process (and what to include). But I landed on including as much as possible. If it’s not of interest, you can obviously skip right by it. But if seeing how Themes/Frames/Goals/Material/Setlist/Etc all come together into a terribly rough draft of a show interests you, here’s that transition. “Part 10” will be one entry for each routine (followed by a letter).

I’ll include my full first draft of the routine. No editing in a different word processor and dropping it here. Just unfiltered, unorganized ideas that I’m trying to assemble into a rough script. It will probably feel choppy because it’s inherently so, but it will feel choppier because I’m going to separate it out into different entries like this. I’ll be keeping my previous concept work for the show in mind (and occasionally up on the screen as a guide), but that’s it. At the end, we’ll have a script. A bad one… but a script nonetheless.

Please excuse the lack of formatting (I’ve got all my presets in Word) and WordPress doesn’t have the same sort of easy dialogue vs stage direction vs heading format choices, so I may find some ways to differentiate as I go or it may look like a lot of blocks of text.

Let’s begin where every script begins:


Int. – A semi-lit warehouse space.

Fade house lights to blackout. Silence for a few beats. Maybe some sound effects of gentle ambient music fill the space. Eventually, a door opens and the light of a flashlight explores the space and the audience. The person holding it flicks on a few small lights – just enough to illuminate a table with a single deck of cards out of the box and the performer himself.

“I want you to imagine you’re in a museum at night. It’s the strangest museum you’ve ever seen; there are only 52 pieces of art, and they’re all pictures you recognize. Spades, Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds; they show all 52 playing cards. And you’re there… to steal them.”

“You’ve managed to get inside, but you can immediately tell something is wrong. You sniff the air… smoke… fire! You have to act quickly if you’re going to get any of the paintings before it’s too late.”

“The museum is divided into two wings. One houses all the red card, and the other, all the black cards (paintings?). You notice smoke start to pour out of the vents (to audience member), in your imagination, do you see the smoke in the red wing or the black wing?” [Response]

“Yes, that’s exactly right. As you get closer, you see the smoke pouring out of the vents in the red wing, starting to wisp towards the collection of red works. The fire is growing and now you’re seeing sparks. They burst and scatter off the walls. Do the sparks start to hit the hearts or the diamonds?” [Response]

“Yes, precisely. As the room fills with smoke, the sparks hit the diamonds. The old dry canvases catch fire and start to spread towards the hearts. The hearts are all displayed with the numbers, A, 2, 3, on one wall and the face cards, J, Q, K, on the other wall. Do the flames move towards the number cards or the picture cards?” [Response]

“Exactly right! The flames spread towards the face cards so you rush to stand in front of them: the Jack, Queen, and King. Which one do you stand in front of?” [Response]

“Yes, so you start with the Jack, pull it off the wall, then the Queen, then the King. You’re trying to manage all three of these paintings as you make your way up to the roof to escape. As you go, the three paintings are getting shuffled around as your try to hold them. You approach the top floor and the flames are right behind you. A charred wooden beam starts to fall from the ceiling. You look down and which painting is on top of the pile?” [Response]

“Exactly. The beam falls directly in front of you and smashes the Jack to pieces; leaving it smoldering and charred on the ground. You make your way to the roof where yours truly is waiting! Your partner in crime. Thick as thieves! I’m standing next to our getaway helicopter. You run over and pass off one of the paintings to me do you give me the Queen or the King?” [Response. Beat.]

“Yes. You hand me the Queen of Hearts. But the story doesn’t end there. Any good heist story always has a twist. You go to run to the helicopter, and you find yourself handcuffed to the railing. During the handoff, someone [shrug/wink] cuffed you to a metal railing, leaving you stranded for the police to find any minute”

“And with that, standing on top of the museum, yours truly takes the Queen of Hearts painting and climbs into the helicopter.” [Carefully turn over the top card of the deck, revealing the Queen of Hearts. Reaction.]

“Tragically, all the other priceless works of art in that imaginary art heist were lost to the imaginary fire. I’m so glad we ended up with the Queen of Hearts, and I’m even gladder all of this was just in our minds”

Performer goes to the rest of the deck on the table, deliberately picks it up, and crumbles it into a tiny ball – the cards transforming into nothing but a scrap of paper except for the QH. Applause Cue.


A quick reprieve from “ShowCraft” before diving into a long series of bad first-draft scripts (buckle up).

I’ve been submitting a lot of grant proposals of late, and in tandem with that, taking a class and doing some reflecting on the business side of my work. What all of that has led to is a lot of time thinking about my Purpose/Vision/Mission/’Why’/any other term encapsulating my reason for existing. While I’m having some trouble identifying that particular portion, I’ve clarified (en route), some ideas about what defines my work.

I’ve come to think of these as Tenets or Pillars of my practice (I can’t decide which term is best quite yet). These are the characteristics that – in my ridiculously wide portfolio of projects and forms of work – are constants. They reflect (part of) what I believe about the world, life, people, and performing; so they don’t change as regularly as the topical themes of a project. These Pillars govern the type of work I create and how I go about creating it.

So, I present for your consumption, my Tenets:

  • Intention: How I design. I curate cohesive experiences that are fully thought-out and that show immense care for the participant. Intention gives art structure.
  • Storytelling: How I connect. I use storytelling techniques to communicate the theme and ideas of the project effectively. Storytelling communicates meaning.
  • Curiosity: How I entertain. I use Wonderland-eque levity to intrigue the audience, introduce the unexpected, and make sure the experience is fun. Curiosity makes art intriguing.

My projects might have varying degrees of each of these guiding principles, but they’re so deeply engrained in who I am at this stage of my career, that they all pop up in each endeavor I undertake.

What are the characteristics that define your work?

ShowCraft in Action: Part 9b


Torn2Pieces: [Mistake #1 is destroying the final take] Shift in the focus of the show from Act I’s theoretical groundwork (“look at these skills magicians have… they’re so good at subtly manipulation situations”) into Act II’s practical applications (“Here’s what we’d actually need to pull off an art heist, AND why magicians could do it better). T2P is the simplest, most visual in-road to this idea. Many thieves (especially in a case like the Gardner Heist), simply slash the painting from its canvas and run away with it. It’s inelegant, and that’s the difference a magician can make: bringing subtlety and the elegant choreography of a magic trick to high crimes and misdemeanors. Could use a picture from the Gardner Heist, or something that spurs on a story that could be used in/as the transition from Act I to Act II. Let the final reveal of the mis-made piece be a mini version of the “twist” finale. The presentational flow is “here’s what’s wrong with heists” (the work gets cut, torn, rolled, destroyed, etc.), “Here’s what a magician would bring to the situation (elegance that respects the art), AND the closer you look at what happened, the harder it is to understand exactly what when down (twist reveal of mis-made). The transition into the next effect needs to be about how this isn’t based on insider knowledge or fancy tech, but on people. “Everything you’re about to see works because I pay attention to how people behave… and here’s your chance to do the same.” This idea as an “answer” to the routine should get set up at the outset of this section to help move the conversation element forward smoothly.

AKA: [Mistake #2 is getting the team wrong] Name-Game Psychometry type effect. Magician’s solution #1: You want a team full of a grifters. Con men never steal a single thing – they convince their marks to hand over what they want of their own accord. And they do that by watching, listening, and giving them what they want. People will always tell you what they’re thinking if you pay attention to what they’re saying AND what they’re not saying. And once you know what they’re actually thinking, you know what they want. Do the first 4 matching names to people. For the final name (after joke in script), When you learn to read people’s behavior like a language, it can look an awful lot like mind-reading… even when it’s not.

Cards Across (Or Verone Impossible Location): [Mistake #3 is not planning the escape / how to move the piece]. We know how to get to the thing, we know how to get the thing, now we have to get away with the thing. This should be the key skill – and where magicians shine – pulling off ridiculously obvious things in plain sight with no one realizing. The reason being we can push the focus gently around the one thing we don’t want people to see (almost like the Invisible Gorilla). Someone thinks of a card (or two cards if Cards Across) that they see, they say what it is out loud, and here we need FAUXCESS! Whatever the “magic move” is here has to be credible, visually interesting, and related to the show as a whole. This (or a variation with a twist) will be used in the finale and needs to carry a lot of subtext: the audience will become aware their attention is being controlled, and probably look for what they shouldn’t be seeing. As an example, the magic move could be some sort of gesture that I talk through that uses lots of fire/smoke wording or imagery (even as a joke that the sheer mental and physiological effort of it all leaves a gentle wisp of smoke curling in the air)

Final Color Transposition: Act III The Perfect Heist. (Probably needs smoke, hehehe… but actually… maybe the cube built into a deck box?). This is what it would look like. Set the stage – lighting, haze, laser lights bouncing off mirrored surfaces. Two decks of cards (one real, one forgeries that you can only tell from the back). Recap the skills we have that will allow us to pull it off, then do it. Undersell this moment. Have three people just think of cards (you have to know what someone is thinking), get to those cards cleanly (without destroying them), and get everything out (without a trace). At the moment of the “magic move,” a gentle wisp of smoke hangs in the air and the performer pauses, smiles, and moves to the reveal.

Outro: Need to tie it up somehow. Perhaps following on the idea of “the closer you look at the end, the more questions pop up about exactly what happened.” Perhaps the imagery of a single light bulb plugged into an outlet that gets turned off, unplugged, and then the outlet itself gets peeled off the wall. Need to find a thread that makes the single bulb important throughout. At the end, perhaps the space around them is changed outside of the show; AND there are talk triggers (laser cut diamonds?) that continue to appear into the future.

Act II / III Notes

  • Whereas Act I feels like a collaborative conversation, the back-and-forth of Act II in particular is more driven by the performer. The “questions” are address at the beginning of a routine by the performer and the magic that follows is the explanation of sorts. Act III should feel like a natural continuation BUT it’s important to leave them with a final, specific, unanswered question (perhaps/probably “HOW did he do it?”).
  • This show really has the potential to spur on conversations after the show, so thinking about the audience’s role both as co-conspirators and then (later) critics and analysts gives them multiple roles to play (and multiple options for how to engage with the show). As the show is being written, pay extra close attention to the roles different types of people might assume at any give moment, and be scripting for those different modes of engagement.

ShowCraft In Action: Part 9a

EDIT: This section became wildly long, so I split it into two parts. This (part a) is “Act I” and part b will cover Act II and III.

SETLIST CONTINUED: A Conversation With The Audience

Here’s a bit of an experiment. Normally at this point (with so much concept work laid out), I’d usually start in on the script. I’m comfortable with longform writing so it feels natural for me to start filling in the blank spaces with the full “story” of the show.

But in an effort to dig into what my ShowCraft process truly entails, I thought I’d try something that’s been kicking around in my mind: thinking through the Setlist as though it were a conversation with the audience. Almost like an interview where the individual pieces respond to the natural next questions of the audience.

Our art is inherently audience-focused. We need people and their brains for magic to exist, so it behooves us to think through what they’re (probably) thinking throughout our show. If ShowCraft is intentionally choosing what to perform when, part of what can inform that decision is what questions and thoughts are in our audience’s minds. Using the Setlist from the last ShowCraft post, I’m going to flesh out the message of each trick, possibly do some re-organizing, and hopefully find the conversational thread that begins to unite disparate parts of the show.’


Welcome/Intro: Audience members enter a museum/gallery/warehouse feeling space. If it leans more ‘gallery,’ they can roam around, look at art on the walls featuring card imagery. If it’s more ‘warehouse,’ it feels minimalist – even empty – perhaps the space is filled with soundscape/music to set the mood? The mood is curious and excited, with the predominant question being “What’s about to happen?” At showtime, the lights go down to a full blackout, and after a few moments augmented by sound effects, flashlights begin to turn on, spotlighting a deck of cards and the magician.

Hotel 52: Adapted to an art heist, sets up the 52 cards as unique, priceless art works. Lean on dramatized story to get in medias res opening feeling. One card is selected, revealed at the top of the deck. Rest of the deck crumpled up. Box revealed to be destroyable/made of paint/etc. Effect sets up obviously that the show is about heists/theft, and the first questions are probably a response to me; Who am I? Why am I doing this show? What interests me about the topic?

Ring, Watch, Wallet: Possible elements to include: 1) Story about being stuck in Paris at the almost empty Louvre, thinking “I could steal that;” 2) Only ever considered (and my skills only qualify me for) a handful of jobs: Librarian, Magician, International Art Thief; 3) We so often define ourselves by our jobs to the point where it becomes the first thing we ask a person about (set up for a moment of transformation later on where the focus should really be not on what we do when someone is giving us money, but what we’d be doing when no one pays us for it at all); 4) Being a good magician requires skills inversely proportional to being a good person. This section needs to not only introduce me, but immediately establish trust because the nature of the material is such that twists/mistrust is rampant, and especially if I want to play with that towards the end for a “twist” of some kind, I need the audience on my side right away. This effect should be funny, somewhat self-deprecating, and relatable (use storytelling technique to find the relatable moments). Possible objects to include as part of the effect: Money (Material Value, Wealth), License (Identity), Watch (Time), Business Card (Identity – Becomes Calling Card Later?). Sort of a Thief vs. Magician presentation? Both… “creative problem solvers.” ***Set up the premise of the show at this point: That I think a smart magician could pull of the Perfect Heist*** This leads to a bunch of questions that need to be tackled in a targeted way: Why Magicians? What skills do they have? What would you steal? How would you do it? What would it look like? Generally, I want to save the “Demonstration” for Act III as a finale. Promise to show them exactly what it looks like (though they won’t be able to see it if everything works correctly).

Out Of This World: Refocus all the attention by putting the audience on display a bit. There are a lot of disparate questions happening which is good for interest but bad for controlling the show. Fauxcess of this piece is that audience can do things without always understanding how (Magician’s aren’t special/unique in doing things people don’t understand); I have information and they (apparently) don’t and I’m going to ask them to make decisions. But information is constantly being translated and communicated (SETUP FOR AKA LATER… Maybe incorporate “Pointing”), we just need to be aware of subtext. Flow of the effect should start conversational; maybe with a back and forth about jobs as a callback. As it goes along, I should react positively but subtly because I have the information they’re doing well and I should actively try to give them less information. “Don’t try to solve it, just trust that the information is already making its way to your brain.” Revelation should include the idea of this being the perfect audience (affirmation) for the show and once again tease the ending somehow. Questions will probably focus on “How did we do that?” At this point. I want to refocus that question (Because there’s not enough time to understand “How” of it all as it’s too broad) into “How did you make the ‘right’ decision?” Ask who felt unsure vs who felt sure of their choice. Bring up different representatives and have them hold onto that feeling at the moment of decision making. Afterthought: Set this routine up as being “out of my control” because all the decisions will be made by you and while most magicians wouldn’t give up that much control early on, this isn’t exactly a magic show.

NO Poker: We know why the audience is here (Need a better resolution of this idea in the previous routine); and now we need to know why I’m here. Magician’s are attuned to reading the subtext of a situation. Gleaning extra information and working in the barely-perceptible periphery (call back to the idea of information already being in the brain, just not being processed). And above all, subtly manipulating situations for their own preferred outcomes. This routine is all about manipulation (so I need to take the sting out). Phase 1: win at a hand of cards quickly. Phase 2: Set up the win/lose dichotomy so that I’m attempting to “lose” (fun wording). This routine activates the audience’s critical analysis, so play with that and then come back to a more enjoyable (while still active) mindset to appease critics. By controlling a series of decisions to a T, I can prove my own self-imposed challenge of why I’m leading the show, and I can bring a sort of resolution to “were my choices in OOTW fair/my own?” The answer(s) potentially being: 1) if they feel the same, does it matter? 2) The choices were completely fair in OOTW, but in NO, they made the exact series of decisions I wanted them to. Big takeaway is that THIS IS THE KEY: those two situations felt the same [This show probably needs to use the interactive/conversational moments to check in with participants who should be checking in with themselves]. By this point, folks should be wondering where the line is between what they can control themselves and what is being manipulated by me; I need them to trust me again, so address that and bring them back onto my team. That might happen by shifting the topic towards actual Heists (this Act I has been more general skills), OR the kicker word reveal (rather than “LOSE” could potentially be something related to the scripting transition from control/attention/etc. to heists and the kicker moment is what propels us into Act II.

Another Way To Think About ShowCraft

OK, I recognize there’s a lot of seemingly disparate ideas here, both theoretical and practical. As I describe my ideas of ShowCraft to other performers, I find myself needing a more concise way to describe it, so here’s an attempt:

ShowCraft is actively choosing WHY to perform certain pieces WHEN.

Several folks I’ve chatted with hear things like “show design” and immediately think that means adding sound, lights, choreography, scripting, etc. And these are all elements of a show. But they’re not what makes a show a show. At its core, a show (like in theater, movies, even books) is driven by artistic intention an purpose.

Think about your magic routines and fitting them together into a set or a show in the past. You probably put a quick flashy trick up front, and then some story-based pieces in the middle, and maybe something big and impressive at the end. But other shows aren’t written like that.

That would be the equivalent of writing a moving script entirely in standalone scenes that don’t relate to each other at all. Maybe the main character is constant between them (or a better parallel could be the actor is the same but playing different roles in those scenes), but they’re going to be inherently disjointed.

Now don’t get trapped thinking that the solution is transitions. They’re helpful and necessary, but transitions don’t make a show either! Taking 10 unrelated scenes and forcing character overlap or common story elements isn’t going to make a cinematic masterpiece.

To create a full show, the show itself needs to have an arc; a trajectory driven by intention and goals. Those are what allow us to check and see if our individual pieces, with their respective presentations, and the transitional glue holding them together, are the right choice to move our show from beginning to end!

ShowCraft is actively choosing WHY to perform certain pieces WHEN.

ShowCraft In Action: Part 8


For this show, the magic is serving a more active purpose than some of my productions. Here, the thrust of the show is focused on how a magician would pull off the perfect heist using their magic knowledge. For that reason, I’m going to start the creating of the actual show with a tentative setlist. (As a comparison, shows that are more personal or narrative-driven might be the kind of project for which I dive into the scripting directly).

A few things to keep in mind about this setlist: It has gone through some off-blog re-shuffling in my notebooks, so it’s not like it came together immediately. It will CONTINUE to be reshuffled as the process goes on. We’ve seen how self-referential an artist’s process can be, so the creation of the working setlist here is not the final word. It’s simply a signpost we can use as a structural reference as we start to put sections/scenes/etc into place so we can see how they fit into the full context.

Lastly, we’ve done enough concept work on this show to know that the ending is pulling off the perfect (magician) heist. So the material throughout will need to include skill building/development, putting together the criminal team, and problem solving or identifying where “normal” heists go wrong and how I would approach those scenarios.

With that, here’s the working setlist with some notes after each effect:

  1. Hotel 52 [Presented as a heist on its own. Sets the Tone. Could be presented in all dark with flashlights used to spotlight the deck (and box), myself, and other participants. Ends with the card reveal, the disposable deck destruction, and a “fake” box reveal where it’s actually made of something unexpected]
  2. Ring, Watch, Wallet [I don’t know exactly how, or with what slant, but I know a subsection of this show wants to be about the work we choose to do and how we identify with our jobs. Maybe it leads into some revelation about deciding how we choose to spend our time? That could be why I choose to present this in a magic context rather than a criminal one… Either way, this effect could have some solid magic beats that are condensed enough to function well with a “story” based presentation where I’m giving them lots of info about myself and my perspectives. The objects could be representative of identity (like a license?), or value (money?), etc.]
  3. Loaded [Not sold on this being a great fit for the imagined layout of the audience, but texturally, I want to remember to include quick beats that can help offset exposition and longer routines. This deck appearance might go in one of several slots]
  4. Out Of This World [My own stand-up version where different audience members choose where cards go and they sort them all. Answers the prompt “I suppose you’re wondering why I’ve called you all here tonight” by showing they have a natural instinct for what’s about to happen. “Why are YOU here.” Bring them in as part of the team. DESPERATELY needs an overt presentation/thrust while individuals are slowly choosing colors. Is it questions about them? What does the SHOW need at this point?]
  5. NO Poker [Why am I here? As the mastermind of it all. Is this where the concept of a magician pulling off a heist comes in? Might be a little late for the intro of that idea, but if earlier I bring up that the only other job I’d considered was an art thief, here I could introduce WHY magicians are the perfect fit. The routine is all about manipulation. The participants might feel a little controlled and that needs to be mitigated. “Lose” Revelation needs to be set up way more tightly (perhaps even earlier in the show with a win/lose dichotomy). All about decision making.]
  6. Torn2Pieces [About the Gardner heist or other examples where canvases were rolled, cut, torn. Sets up the idea of needing to use tact rather than brute force. This is a turning point in the show where things have been more general to the next section which gets into more of the details of HOW I would do it and what SKILLS I would need to pull it off. Is that 2-Act structure fitting? Maybe the actual heist as the finale can be its own 3rd Act?]
  7. AKA [Introducing the idea of a heist full of grifters. This might come later or may nee something to break up two long routines in a row. Multiple beats of psychological illusion. Highly interactive name-based psychometry effect.]
  8. Cards Across OR Tribute to Verone Card to Impossible Location [These effects have similar internal meanings and roles in the show. It might be logistically driven if the visibility of one is much better than the other. This slot is showing how cards/objects can get secretly moved around without the audience noticing. Card To Pocket might be another option here. This routine should DEFINITELY set up the “magic move” or the attention-focusing tactic I use to distract people from things in plain sight. We’ll call back to that in the final transposition routine]
  9. Color Transposition [three thought-of cards from the “fake” blue deck transpose with their mates in the “real” red deck. The Perfect Heist. ]

Impressions: This is probably a decent length (right about a 1-hour show by my first estimate). It could use some more quick moments of magic (especially magic of necessity!), as well as potentially “magical” moments; things like setting up the final heist either smoke and laser pointers a la Entrapment.

There could be a nice 3-act structure appearing: What are we doing? How are we doing it? Let’s do it!

This show really wants some thought put into the pre-show experience. I still like the idea of a gallery built around card imagery. Good for local collaborations with visual artists! Also… I Need to look up roller blinds and see if that’s a realistic way to make a gallery full of paintings disappear.

Still on the hunt for post-show ways that this show lives on and people share its story!


  • Louvre Story – stuck in Paris after volcano erupted in Iceland. In the Louvre essentially alone with the thought “I could totally steal that.”

ShowCraft In Action: Part 7

Material (and a Slant Update)

Alright! Many of the posts in this series up to now might have seemed a bit theoretical. And they are! Because there’s a lot of thinking that goes into a process like this before we just dive into slapping material together. In this installation, I’m going to quickly update the Slant and then dive into the Material I’ve been collective.

On the Slant: my previous attempt (“An art heist feels like magic because they both take clever thinking, detailed planning, meticulous practice; just to hide it all from public view”) felt too impersonal and vague. So my new version, which I arrived at by consulting my Concept Work document including all the material brainstorms (see how cyclical this all is?) became:

Slant: “magicians are a single, dangerous step away from becoming art thieves; we both manipulate attention, but one does it for one and one for personal gain.”

The actual wording of this will probably change as the process continues. But what I like about this is that is highlights the similarities between the two fields, and – more importantly – brings a bit of my personality and character into it. By showing how closely related magicians are to thieves, it opens the show up to me talking about how I ended up as a magician, how I might view a walk through museums differently than the audience, and how/why I might choose at the end to lean towards magic or towards a life of crime. Now the show becomes about setting up the perfect heist, but in safe conditions so I can ultimately choose the positive side of the coin.


NOTE: There will be a LOT of Card material in this list and the final setlist because I wat to set up the cards at the objects of value in this show so the final card effect as a representation of the heist registers well. This will be a card-based show which I hope will make it easy-ish to travel until it has a fixed home.

  • Out Of This World [Standing Version. Multiple People. Intuition]
  • Multi-Card Transpo Between Decks [Finale?]
  • Loaded [Marcus Eddie. Quick Intro. Bit of “Flash” to counter longer routines]
  • AKA [Name Psychometry. Lies/Deception. Reading People. Good Middler]
  • Torn2Pieces [Shawn Farquhar. Adapt for a photo of a stolen painting.]
  • No Poker [Long Routine, 3 people. Manipulation/Control.]
  • Gemini Twins [Coincidence. Things falling into place. Decision Making]
  • Mnemonica/Mnemonicosis [Tamariz. Play/Interaction. Improvisational]
  • Cards Across [Tamariz? Sets up Teleportation of Cards for Transpo Finale! Need to differentiate clearly and make the finale an improvement]
  • “Calling Cards” Multiple selection routine? [Interesting presentational hook. Not sure how it ties in yet]
  • Tribute to Verone [Henry Evans. Card to Impossible Location. Like Cards Across, could help setup the finale but needs to be distinct.]
  • Disposable Deck [David Regal. Good visual moment. Hotel 52 idea could bring some story into it. Maybe set up as a Heist gone wrong?]
  • Bank Night [Decision Making, especially under pressure. Multiple People. What’s the ending thought?]
  • Follow Along Effect [Love Ritual – Aragon. Paradise Recovered – Tamariz. TGTCOBPO – Me. Nice that it gets everyone involved, but how does the decision making of the routine relate to the show?]
  • Card to Pocket [Great representation of Attention Control in Action! Also about cards moving around invisibly. Where’s the line between a good theme and overly repetitive magic?]
  • Open/No Open Spice Jar [Could be about the “strength” member of the team… sort of out of place?]
  • Memory Effect? [Memorease – Weber. Richardson. Tamariz. The premise is based on mental control so it could fit early to set up the leaps we’ll make later]
  • Ring, Watch, Wallet [Tommy Wonder. Good opening beats. Easy to make it on theme. What’s my take for this show?]

Initial Reflections:

  • There are a lot of longer routines (which is my way), but I need to ensure there are textured moments that give to the audience before I ask too much of their attention.
  • Most likely there will be a lot of card effects with a lot of setups or gimmicks in play; it could become a nice aesthetic to make it look like there’s just one (or very few) decks in play at all.
  • Some of the effects on this list were just tricks I’ve been wanting to try out (there are a lot more on the full list), but most were inspired by thinking through the different elements of a heist movie.
  • Continuation of above: If the ending becomes this “perfect” transposition of cards (i.e. art works), then much of the middle should be dedicated to building/showing/gaining the skills one needs to pull it off. I’ll need to balance possibly related/similar effects to make sure they’re growing towards a climax and not treading water.
  • Balance my own skill demos as the ringleader with giving audience members the abilities to do impossible things to transforms the audience into a cohesive group.
  • Overall, the props are small and I’d like this to be a parlor-sized show that can – hopefully – play bigger. In order to do that, the routines should be less about watching the cards (unless I have a projection system which is probably not the move from the beginning) and more focused on the people, their decisions, and our interactions. The cards should act more as a byproduct or facilitator of the group dynamic.
  • One thread throughout all the material should be how a Magician would pull off a heist DIFFERENTLY than a regular criminal. Continue setting self apart. e.g. when they pick their “team” it’s always this one-of-everything approach. If my heist is all about attention control, maybe my group is entirely grifters?
  • Need some real-life examples of attention missing something obvious. Driving and missing turn? Because of comfort with route? Maybe set up and attentional blindness test within the actual show or pre-show so that it’s a common experience the full group has?


  • Next time, probably situate some of these routines within an initial setlist (that relates to the framework of a heist movie)
  • Maybe all the “training”/”working” effects are done with blue cards, and the real valuable Red (or fancy backed? Gold?) cards are a single, isolated deck on display from the beginning that only gets used at the end.
  • What am I using to control the attention of others? Specifically, is there something that could be repeated (an action, an object) that could be set up throughout the show and used as the “magic move” for the final transposition routine?
  • Maybe incorporate my light-bulb idea for the group mis-perception/attention moment?